Three new papers recently published

Friday 15 Jun 18

The hard work that our ESRs carry out everyday is already giving a reward visible outside the ModLife network. Recently three papers have been published, demonstrating nice synergy and collaboration between individual network members.

Please find below links to the recent publications:

  • Frederico's modelling study on the industrial production of Ibuprofen:

    Montes F.C.C., Gernaey K., Sin G. (2018), Dynamic plantwide modeling, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a pharmaceutical upstream synthesis: Ibuprofen case study, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (in press). DOI
  • Joint publication between University of Strathclyde and Unilever UK on the non-desctructive analysis of tea products led by Puneet:

    Mishra P., Nordon A., Tschannerl J., Lian G., Redfern S., Marshall S. (2018), Near-infrared hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive classification of commercial tea products, Journal of Food Engineering (in press). DOI

  • Chryssa's collaborative effort between RWTH Aachen and Imperial College London on the dynamic optimisation of monoclonal antibodies production:

    Kappatou C.D., Mhamdi A., Campano A.Q., Mantalaris A., Mitsos A. (2018), Model-Based Dynamic Optimization of Monoclonal Antibodies Production in Semibatch Operation—Use of Reformulation Techniques, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (in press). DOI plus Link to free e-print (50 copies available)

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18 FEBRUARY 2025