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New ESR1, Resul Al, joined the ModLife network on 1 May 2017, replacing Johanna M. Dragan. We wish Johanna all the best in her future career and welcome Resul to our...
ModLife Twitter feed has been launched. You can check it out here.
Between 6th and 9th December last year, the whole network of ModLife ESRs got together for the first time in London in order to undergo first series of collective scientific...
We are happy to announce that Mr. Jean-Luc Lebrun, world-known expert on scientific writing, author of several books including "When The Scientist Presents" and "Scientific...
Preparations for the first combined training event are under way. ModLife ESRs will meet at the Imperial College London to undertake one course and two workshops.
The fellows (Early Stage Researchers) recruited in the ModLife ITN are now presented on the project website. See section Fellows!
All the Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions are now closed for applications. 10 out of 15 ESRs have already been employed in the ModLife ITN, the remaining researchers...
ESR 4 position entitled "Model development in stem cell bioprocessing" was advertised by Imperial College London. See section "Open positions" for details.
Positions ESR 8 and ESR 10 characterized by joint supervision of industry (Alfa Laval) and academia (DTU) are open for applications. See section "Open positions"!
A PhD position on advanced optimisation and control for bioreactors has been advertised by Imperial College! Apply for the job here.