The following contributions are going to be presented by the ModLife team at the WCCE10/ESCAPE27 conference:
- "Dymamic Optimization of the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies in Semi-Batch Operation" (Chryssa)
- "How to Use Mechanistic Metabolic Modeling to Ensure High Quality Glycoprotein Production" (Alireza)
- "Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimisation of Neotissue Growth in a Perfusion Bioreactor Set-Up" (Simon)
- "Data Validation and Modelling of Thermodynamic Properties of Systems with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Complex Media for Skin Absorption Processes" (Lukasz)
- "A Simplified Kinetic and Mass Transfer Modelling of the Thermal Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils" (Hector)
- "Modeling Stability of Double Emulsions" (Behnam)
- "Mapping of Oil in Water Emulsion Stabilities" (Tanmoy)
- "Multi-Scale Modelling of Solute Partition Equilibria of Micelle-Water and Microemulsion-Water Systems Using Molecular Dynamics and COSMOtherm" (Mattia)
- "Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for an Ibuprofen Synthesis Model Based on Hoechst Path" (Frederico)
- "Multi-Scale Modelling Approach for Design and Optimization of Oleochemical Processes" (Mark)
- "Methodology for Plantwide Design and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants" (Alexandr)
10 out of 11 contributions listed above will also be published in the form of 6-page fulltexts in the proceedings of ESCAPE27 conference, which form the 40th issue of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering series published by Elsevier.