Peer-reviewed conference proceedings papers

Montes F., Gernaey KV, Sin G. (2017), Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for an Ibuprofen Synthesis Model Based on Hoechst Path , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona , Spain, Espuna A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.163-168. DOI

Ruszczynski L., Zubov A., Sin G., Abildskov J. (2017), Data Validation and Modeling of Thermodynamic Properties of Systems with Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) in Complex Media for Skin Absorption Processes , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuna A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.247-252. DOI

Khadem B., Sheibat-Othman N. (2017), Modeling Stability of Double Emulsions , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuña A., Graells M ., Puigjaner L. (Editors), pp. 493-498. DOI

Dragan JM, Zubov A., Sin G. (2017), Plantwide Design and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plants , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain , Espuña A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p. 599-964. DOI

Forero-Hernandez H., Jones M., Sarup B., Abildskov J., Jensen AD, Sin G. (2017),A Simplified Kinetic and Mass Transfer Modeling of the Thermal Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuña A., Graells M., Puigjaner L (Editors), p.1177-1182. DOI

Jones M., Forero-Hernandez H., Sarup B., Sin G. (2017), Multi-scale Modeling Approach for Design and Optimization of Oleochemical Processes , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuna A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.1885-1890. DOI

Olofsson S., Mehrian M., Geris L., Calandra R., Deisenroth MP, Misener R. (2017),Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimization of a Growth in Perfusion Bioreactor Set-Up , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuña A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.2155-2160. DOI

Kappatou CD, Mhamdi A., Campano AQ, Mantalaris A., Mitsos A. (2017), Dyamic Optimization of the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies in Semi-batch Operation , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27 , October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuna A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.2161-2166. DOI

Turchi M., Lian G., Cai Q., Wood I., Rabone J., Noro M. (2017),Multi-scale Modeling of Solute Partition Equilibria or Micelle-Water and Microemulsion Water Systems Using Molecular Dynamics and COSMOtherm , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuña A ., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.2773-2778. DOI

Ehsani A., Niedenfuehr S., Eissing T., Behnken S., Schuppert A. (2017), How to Use Mechanical Metabolic Modeling at High Quality Glycoprotein Production , Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE 27, October 1st-5th 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Espuna A., Graells M., Puigjaner L. (Editors), p.2839-2844. DOI

Olofsson S., Deisenroth M., Misener M. (2018), Design of Experiments for Model Discrimination Hybridising Analytical and Data-driven Approaches , Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 80, p.3905-3914. Full-Text

Jones, M., Forero-Hernandez, H., Sarup, B., & Sin, G. (2017). Multi-scale Modeling Approach for Design and Optimization of Oleochemical Processes. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 40, pp. 1885-1890). DOI

Jones, M., Forero-Hernandez, H., Zubov, A., Sarup, B., & Sin, G. (2018). Superstructure optimization of oleochemical processes with surrogate models. In Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Vol. 44, pp. 277-282). DOI

Al, R., Frutiger, J., Zubov, A., Sin, G., (2018). Prediction of Environmental Properties Using a Hybrid Group Contribution Approach, in: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. pp. 1723–1728. DOI

Al, R., Behera, C.R., Zubov, A., Sin, G., (2018). Systematic framework development for the construction of surrogate models for wastewater treatment plants, in: Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. pp. 1909–1914. DOI

Montes F., Gernaey K.V., Sin G., Implementation of a Radial Basis Function control strategy for the crystallization of Ibuprofen under uncertainty, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, vol. 44, pp. 565-570. DOI

Molla G. S., Ruszczynski L., Abildskov J., Sin G. (2018), Property Prediction of Pharmaceuticals for Designing of Downstream Separation Processes, Proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 28, A. Friedl, J. J. Klemeš, S. Radl, P. S. Varbanov, T. Wallek (Editors), p.287. DOI

Ehsani A, Niedenfuehr S, Eissing T, Behnken S, Schuppert A, “How to Use Mechanistic Metabolic Modeling to Ensure High Quality Glycoprotein Production” Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 40(2017) 2839-284. DOI

Jones M., Forero-Hernandez H., Zubov A., Sarup B., Sin G.; Superstructure Optimization of Oleochemical Processes with Surrogate Models; Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, pages 277-282, 2018, Elsevier. DOI

Frutiger J., Jones M., Gerek Inceb N. A., Sin G.; From property uncertainties to process simulation uncertainties – Monte Carlo methods in SimSci PRO/II process simulator; Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering – PSE 2018, pages 1489-1494, 2018. DOI

Olofsson S., Deisenroth M.P., Misener R. (2018), Design of experiments for model discrimination hybridising analytical and data-driven approaches, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 10-15 July, Stockholm, Sweden, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 80, Dy J., Krause A. (Editors), p.3908--3917. link
18 FEBRUARY 2025