ESR 12: Chrysoula D. Kappatou


Contact: E-mail
Project title: Advanced optimization strategies for bioreactors

Host organization: RWTH
Supervisors: Prof. Alexander Mitsos (RWTH), Prof. Athanasios Mantalaris (IMPERIAL), Dr. Ruth Misener (IMPERIAL)
Duration: 36 months

Objectives: This ESR fellow will work with ESR4 from IMPERIAL to obtain the multi-scale, dynamic model for the upstream culture of the monoclonal antibody (MAb) GN-NS0 cell line. A multi-scale modeling framework that includes molecular/genetic level, cellular level and reactor level. The ESR will: a) adapt dynamic optimization tools from RWTH, and b) then move to IMPERIAL to perform the experimental validation, c) collaborate with ESR 13 performing online optimization and control. The goal is to move away from heuristic ad-hoc experimental improvement to rational model-based optimization strategies that include sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

Expected results: i) Comparison of computational approaches and selection of the most appropriate ii) validated energy-based models for mammalian cells, iii) optimization strategies for MAb-producing bioprocesses.

Planned secondments:

  • IMPERIAL, M12, 2 months, training in modeling of antibodies
  • BAYER, M36, 1 month, training in biological processes
  • S-PACT, M18, 1 month, training in measurement technology
12 DECEMBER 2024